The History of Immigration to the United States

The History of Immigration in the United States
by isaiah jellison Austin Teal Brenda Castaneda Daniel JohnsonDevin TuckerRamon BateyLyric West

    The first people to the United states have immigrated from North East Asia.1600-1790 The first successful English colony in the present day United States started in James Town, Virginia(History of US immigrant). The first and longest,era stretched from the 17th century through the early 19th century.(Diner)
  • Today many U.S immigrants come from Mexico and Canada. Immigrants from Mexico usually don't settle in Texas because it reminds them of Texico. The highest number of immigrants was from 1989-1990 with a total of 15,945,081 immigrants and a lot of them settled in New Oreleans.(www.wikiapedia/History/
        Today immigrants have people called Cyoties that hide others in a car and try and slip through the border. The worst thing is that now they are smuggling drugs into the U.S. Some even costumize their cars and make secret compartments under the car where the dogs can   onlysmell is the gas.

Most immigrants settle in New Orleans because its one of the closest states to Mexico.
It wasn't repealled until 1943, 61 years later and continues to reverberate immigration policy today.  But yet still today illegal immigrants still try to come to the U.S. illegaly.
 Through 2001-2005 at least 1,000,000 illegal immigrants came to the U.S.A.  illegal immigrants coming to the United states has increased year by year by 1,000,000 illegal immigrants. The U.S. has the most illegal immigrants in the world by about 1,000,000 immigrants.  (

    For some immigrants it is hard to learn english and to find some jobs and work for food and works because they are not from America. Even today teens are doing it too so they can just be with their families( . Some immigrants want their kids to have a better life and have a great job, and they dont want their kids to work in the fields like their parents .(                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                
(INS)     Agency of the U.S. Department of Justice from 1940 until 2002 when its function were  transferred to the newly created department of home of security by the homeland security act of 2002. The very Americans was from Native East Asia .European immigrant came from European .The  Other groups also arrived from the Netherland,Spain,Italy.If you want to learn more go to (www.history .con/
Contemporary immigrants tend to be younger than the native population of the United States,with people in the ages of 15 through 34 substantially over-represented. Immigrants are also to be married than be divorced than native-born Americans of the same age(Contemporary Immigration).