Struggles Faced by Immigrants

By:   Trini E       
         Jennifer D
        Rodrigo R
        Beida b
        Some stuggles faced by immigration are that people that come from Mexico don't really know spanish and that effect is that they don't get great jobs because of the jobs immigrants normally have are working in construction or in fields.(Silva) .If your also an immigrant your not going to be able to get your drivers license because of your situation and if you don't have your drivers license and you make a little mistake your usually going to get stopped and then there going to find out there that your an illegal immigrant.( Robinson )

     The main goal of many of many Mexican immigrants is not to settle down in the U.S., but instead to make as much money as possible, than after earning enough,  try to return to their home country, like Mexico.  In reality, many never do return back to Mexico,while struggling to get by in the  country for years, and sometimes decades most suceed or most fail but if they fail they always retry till they can.(Stodolska)
    Also most immagrants that try to go to the U.S.,they have to  remain in low-paying jobs, don’t learn how to speak English or develop other new skills, try live in substandard housing and limit their social and leisure activities for fear of attracting  any attention from the migra that could lead to the cause of their deportation.(Mitchell) 
     Some more information about immigrants some need jobs,food,shelter and money to pay their thing's...
and some immigrants come to America so they can earn a little money and so their kid can have a better 
future and so the child can have a better life here.  ...  Even teens are trying to cross the boarder to start a new life and help their 
poor familes .... 

     A struggle faced by immigrants in The United States is becomming overweight after eating too much American fast food and junk food.  In one article, there was this kid that came from Kingston,Jamaica. Adrian McHargh's mom cooked for him at his old house he used to eat healthy food. Now that he came to the United States he has been eating a lot of junkfood he gained 30 pounds he was very active and skinny. The doctors here in the US said that he had hypertension,high colesterol and was at high risk for type 2 diabetes.(Bonifield)

The struggle faced by immigrants is a hard hitting topic because it is a very sad thing to talk about. Some of the struggle that immagrants face is the low money that they get from work and they dont have a nice house to live in but they don't a give reason they come to the U.S. to send money to their familes in different countries and also the dont get good jobs because they don't have good papers.(Davis).There are so many other struggles that immagrants face like for example they dont speak any engilsh.